I've heard it said that they don't have a service bar close by, so that may be the problem. Most of them are pretty nice, but it does seem like they take longer than normal. She can deal pretty well, but her people skills are at best lacking and at worst nonexistant. Swede, Cathy, Han, Brett, Laura, Sherrianne, Lisa, Paul.there are so many. Lots of personality, very few misdeals, fast and efficient. I am an average player, just for the record. How hard could it be? I've been playing 2-5 and 5-10 NL and I won about $5000 my first week playing there. The seats themselves are fine, but some are hard to move, probably due to overuse.
I would suggest repairing and possibly replacing the chairs, however. Upscale but at the same time comfortable. The tables are in good shape with cupholders, fresh felt, etc. The room is quite large, with a separate and equally large room in the back just for tourneys.